Saturday 9 June 2012

Herobrine Day Sitrep

herobrine day was a bummer. Sure he came but he didnt walk over any of our mines or epic mines.


he planted a tower of tnt stared at drakrylos and set it alight blowing up our trees. anyway back to to herobrine day, he set up little shrines of sandstone with a cross of water at the bottom. Also on herobrine day we set up a herobrine spawner with netherack totems around it, this is hoe you make a special herobrine day spawner/shrine. in the pictire is the spawner we used and the block missing is one that herobrine griefed when he came on the server about 3 minutes ago. in the corner is my friend drakrylos god of darkness with his signature and now enchanted armour.

he set fire to our suspension bridge but not much damage was made and killed some of our Iron Golem defenses but we replaced them, as far as we can see, we got off lucky but maybe hell come back again...

drakrylos is opping herobrine to calm him down and try to stop the frequency of his visits. I both hope and not hope that herobrine day is an annual event.

1 comment:

  1. If anyone thinks this is fake, I have captured screenshots of Brine wrecking the place.
    I was watching him, and he was staring at me...

    I'm starting to think this is some sort of new creepypasta
