Monday 11 June 2012

Jail Revenge!!!

Today Herobrine appeared but I thought I was safe because I got the jail plugin. I jailed him whilst drakrylos was being him and he punched the cell and increased his time to 8043 minutes. he was gone for a while but came on the server, was in jail, i thought i was safe until he teleported me to him and the odd thing was that when he was put in jail his belongings didn't go into the chest like most players, he kept them somehow. He then changed my gamemode and went into an unstoppable cycle of smiting until his time limit ran out.

 The new text recognition mode that I talked about earlier is really bugging me and drakrylos and we think his responses sound a bit too human so we think he might be being controlled by someone and another piece of evidence that leads to this idea is that we had seen none of herobrine since herobrine day nad he has visited us 7 or 8 times now which seems like he is picking on us, perhaps someone who someone knows who we are and has some kind of grudge against us and using herobrines new vengeance and stalker mode to his advantage, luckily we haven't  seen any of his super devestating invisible mode and his cycle of smiting technique and copycat feature is REALLY PISSING ME AND GROX OFF!!

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